Hey everybody,
I am using text field with autocomplete in my posts new action. That works great. Response from autocompleter in firebug: POST http://localhost:3001/posts/auto_complete_for_tag_name 200 OK 68ms
but if I use the same in edit action it fails and I got this error. POST http://localhost:3001/posts/781/auto_complete_for_tag_name 404 Not Found 81ms
*** POSTS controller: *** def auto_complete_for_tag_name @tag = Tag.find(:all, :conditions => ["name LIKE ?",#{params[:tag][:name]}%"]) render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result(@tag, 'name') %>" end
*** posts NEW and EDIT view *** <div id="add_tag"> <% form_remote_tag( :url => {:controller => :tags}, :html => {:id => 'tag_form'}) do %> Name: <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :tag, :name, {:min_chars => 2, :class => "text"} %> <%= submit_tag 'Add' %> <% end %> </div>
Thank for your help.
Cheer Pete