Streaming audio mp3 with limit download

I want to provide streaming audio from my rails application, but the files are not in my server, they are in others servers and I don't have folders access, just http request. My biggest concern is in places that limit download files up to 10mb, for example. I tried using Icecast and Red5, but they need the files are on my server. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

I want to provide streaming audio from my rails application, but the files are not in my server, they are in others servers and I don't have folders access, just http request. My biggest concern is in places that limit download files up to 10mb, for example. I tried using Icecast and Red5, but they need the files are on my server. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

If you're allowed to access the files, and don't mind storing them locally (or in S3), I would try cacheing them on your server. You can do this very easily with the Dragonfly or CarrierWave asset toolkits -- they both have a method built-in that will allow you to grab a file by URL and save it as an attachment to your regular model. There's a Railscast about Carrierwave.


Hi Walter! Thanks for the answer.

I can't store all the files because need a lot of space. For now I don't have money to spend with storage.

Caching maybe is not a good idea, the average size is 60 MB then it will take a long time to download and start playing the audio in streaming server.

And don't resolve my problem of limit download files.