Strange problem with accentuated characters

I have a menu controller that has the configuration for the menus in my web. Each action is a menu and I have a function "opcion" that creates options that are stored in an array @opciones this way: [{:nombre => "name",:controller => "controller", :action=> "action"}...] This array is later used in the view to create link_to items. In this code I have the menu "secciones" with three options:

  def secciones     @opciones =     @opciones << opcion("LifeSTech","lst","index")     @opciones << opcion("Investigacion","investigacion","index")     @opciones << opcion("Publicaciones","publicacion","index")   end

  private   def opcion(nombre,controller,action)     return {:nombre => nombre, :controller => controller, :action=> action}   end

In the view "secciones.rhtml" I have:

<% @opciones.each do |opcion| %>         <%= link_to opcion[:nombre], {:controller => opcion[:controller],:action => opcion[:action]}, :class => "enlaces_contenidos"%> <% end %>

This works perfectly if I have no accents, but if I use "Investigacion" instead of "Investigación" it gives me this error:

./script/../config/../app/controllers/menu_controller.rb:7: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')'     @opciones << opcion("Investigación","investigacion"_->parsererror<- _,"index")

_->parsererror<-_ marks the point where the parser crashes

The file is ANSI but I've tried with UTF-8 and I have not solved the question. I think the problem is specific to rails 1.2.* because this code works with accents in 1.1 with this code in the application.rb:

  after_filter :set_charset

  def set_charset     headers["Content-Type"] ||= "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"   end

This code does not work anymore with rails 1.2.

I would appreciate any help.

Thank you