Speed comparison between mac/linux and windows


I remember there was a period when there was a substantial performance difference between windows and mac/linux. I experienced this personally when I moved from rails 1.2 or so to a recent version on windows (it became unbearably slow) and then switched to a mac when the performance went back to 'normal' all with the same app.

I was wondering if anything has changed since then (2008) and if rails/ ruby is comparable performance wise on windows nowadays? A quick search on the internet did not turn up anything past late 2008.

best -Kaushik

I run a Rails development environment on both a Windows machine and a Linux VM running on the same machine. (I actually use the Linux VM 100% of the time now for Rails).

The Linux VM is much faster - RSpec tests run 3 to 4 times faster, as do all rake tasks (again, running on a VM on the Windows machine). Nothing has changed since 2008.

As I've posted before, I see no reason to develop on Windows, especially since you can get the VMWarePlayer and a Linux image for free.


I have never run a production environment on Windows so I don't have hard numbers.

However, some basic testing of running my application in Windows vs Linux does show that the Linux environment (hosted on a VM) serves up the pages faster.