Pic: http://nclub.by.ru/slow_rails.JPG
What is it? When the developers to fix this?
Pic: http://nclub.by.ru/slow_rails.JPG
What is it? When the developers to fix this?
My understanding is that the underlying problem is that ruby itself is slower on windows (not by such large factors overall though). The rails community as a whole doesn't use windows much so it doesn't get a lot of love. I think the jruby folk have been putting a lot of effort into windows support though.
You have not said which version of Ruby. I think I saw that 1.9.2 is faster on Windows than 1.8.7, but the opposite is true on Ubuntu.
Ruby 1.8.7, Checked 1.9.2, saw no difference at all. Webrick starts 40 seconds.
Ruby 1.8.7, Checked 1.9.2, saw no difference at all. Webrick starts 40 seconds.
This looks like the ideal time to switch to Ubuntu (or similar) then. I took the plunge some time ago (setting up a dual boot on my PC so I could still boot into windows) and now only find myself using it Windows very occasionally. It is great to feel in control of ones machine again, not to mention the increase in performance all round. No need for virus scanner for example.
Alternatively I gather that Virtual Rails, which provides a Linux Rails environment on a virtual machine in Windows is good.
Frankly I do not want to go to Linux because I will not miss the editor Photoshop and Gimp for me is not quite acceptable.
Who uses a Linux?
Frankly I do not want to go to Linux because I will not miss the editor Photoshop and Gimp for me is not quite acceptable.
Who uses a Linux?
Most of us here I suspect. Anyway there is no need to switch completely. You can either dual boot or use it in a virtual machine (as VirtualRails).
[OT]Google suggests that Photoshop may run in Wine under Ubuntu.
eJay wrote in post #975656:
Frankly I do not want to go to Linux because I will not miss the editor Photoshop and Gimp for me is not quite acceptable.
Then I advise either using a Linux VM (if you really need Windows applications) or, better, getting a Mac.
Rails development on Windows is, by all accounts, painful. Why do it?
Who uses a Linux?
I do for servers, but not as a desktop OS. I think Mac OS is much nicer to use than Linux and has better application support.
Colin Law wrote in post #975657:
You are right, I was incorrectly lumping Mac OS in with Linux. Whilst Mac OS is, I think, Unix based it is not Linux.
I suspect there *are* more Linux users here than there are Windows however.
eJay wrote in post #975656:
Frankly I do not want to go to Linux because I will not miss the editor Photoshop and Gimp for me is not quite acceptable.
Who uses a Linux?
At home, I dual boot Win7 Pro (home stuff and fun stuff) and Ubuntu 10.04 (Rails development work) since the machine is mine to control.
At work (i.e., not mine to control), I run Ubuntu 10.04 in a VM on top of Win7 Enterprise.
Have done Rails development under both Ubuntu/Linux and Windows to compare, and the Windows experience finished in a distant second place.
Ubuntu in a VM > Windows native.
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #975678:
I suspect you are wrong. Linux is a great server OS, but most Rails developers I know (myself included) prefer Mac OS (which is BSD, not Linux) as a desktop environment.
Best, -- Marnen Laibow-Koser http://www.marnen.org marnen@marnen.org
Sent from my iPhone
Absolutely! If you need training wheels go with the Apple OS. When you are ready, reward yourself. Install and develop on the same Linux distro that you will be deploying to. More bang for your buck. Fewer surprises. Less to learn. It’s the future, now. Ubuntu 10.10 on my servers, desktop, and notebook! It’s just better(TM).
(Not sent from my Droid)
Adam Ms. wrote in post #975741:
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #975678:
I suspect you are wrong. Linux is a great server OS, but most Rails developers I know (myself included) prefer Mac OS (which is BSD, not Linux) as a desktop environment.
Best, -- Marnen Laibow-Koser http://www.marnen.org marnen@marnen.org
Sent from my iPhone
Absolutely! If you need training wheels go with the Apple OS.
It's not a question of training wheels. I can use Linux just fine on the desktop. I don't enjoy it, so I don't do it.
When you are ready, reward yourself. Install and develop on the same Linux distro that you will be deploying to.
I don't consider using desktop Linux instead of Mac OS a "reward". And I've never had a compatibility issue between my Darwin dev environment and my Ubuntu servers. That just doesn't happen in my experience.
More bang for your buck. Fewer surprises. Less to learn. It’s the future, now. Ubuntu 10.10 on my servers, desktop, and notebook! It’s just better(TM).
If I thought it were better, believe me, I'd be using it. But I don't.
From a UI perspective alone, I'd almost sooner use Windows.
(Not sent from my Droid)
Absolutely! If you need training wheels go with the Apple OS.
Which happens to be certified UNIX…
When you are ready, reward yourself. Install and develop on the same Linux distro that you will be deploying to. More bang for your buck. Fewer surprises. Less to learn. It’s the future, now.
No kidding…
Regards, Rimantas
you can use vs2010 recompile the source code. i test it faster than rubyinstaller.