sorting a hash in a view

I should be able to figure this out but perhaps I am brain dead...

I simply want to display the next id in sequence for a few 'categories'.

My view template is very basic...

<% for next_seq in @next_seq %>    <%= next_seq[0] %> - <%= next_seq[1] %><br /> <% end %>

and I want them sorted in next_seq[0] order and since @next_seq is a hash, it displays in a rather random order.

Not that this should matter, but the controller code for this looks like this...

    @lib_cat = Valuelist.find(:all,       :conditions => ["list_name = 'Library Categories'"],       :order => 'list_value')     @next_seq =     for lib_cat in @lib_cat       @next_seq[lib_cat.list_value] = Library.find(:first,         :conditions => ['ltype = ?', lib_cat.list_value],         :order => 'id DESC').id + 1     end

I'm not doing a 'select' so I can't do the normal collect_for_selection thingy


Rather than trying to force a hash to return a particular order, why not just do what options_for_select does - use an array of two-element arrays. Your controller would look like this:

@lib_cat = Valuelist.find(:all, :conditions => [“list_name = ‘Library Categories’”], :order => ‘list_value’) @next_seq = for lib_cat in @lib_cat @next_seq << [lib_cat.list_value, Library.find(:first, :conditions => [‘ltype = ?’, lib_cat.list_value], :order => ‘id DESC’).id + 1] end

(hardcore functional programmers can replace the for loop with an inject for their

own amusement…)

The view code would remain the same.

        I should be able to figure this out but perhaps I am brain         dead...                  I simply want to display the next id in sequence for a few         'categories'.                  My view template is very basic...                  <% for next_seq in @next_seq %>            <%= next_seq[0] %> - <%= next_seq[1] %><br />         <% end %>                  and I want them sorted in next_seq[0] order and since         @next_seq is a         hash, it displays in a rather random order.                  Not that this should matter, but the controller code for this         looks like         this...                      @lib_cat = Valuelist.find(:all,               :conditions => ["list_name = 'Library Categories'"],               :order => 'list_value')             @next_seq =             for lib_cat in @lib_cat               @next_seq[lib_cat.list_value] = Library.find(:first,                 :conditions => ['ltype = ?', lib_cat.list_value],                 :order => 'id DESC').id + 1             end                  I'm not doing a 'select' so I can't do the normal         collect_for_selection         thingy

Rather than trying to force a hash to return a particular order, why not just do what options_for_select does - use an array of two-element arrays. Your controller would look like this:

@lib_cat = Valuelist.find(:all,       :conditions => ["list_name = 'Library Categories'"],       :order => 'list_value') @next_seq = for lib_cat in @lib_cat     @next_seq << [lib_cat.list_value, Library.find(:first,         :conditions => ['ltype = ?', lib_cat.list_value],         :order => 'id DESC').id + 1] end

(hardcore functional programmers can replace the for loop with an inject for their own amusement...)

The view code would remain the same.