sorting hash ????

Hello RoR Developers,

I have tiny problem with sorting hash. I can not sort hash values.

i have hash which is created by yaml file. yaml file

template1:   template_of_roster3: template_of_roster2   template_of_roster4: template_of_roster3


@get_config=YAML.load("#{PATH_IM}/.......yml"))     @get_config == Hash     @enterprises==Hash @my_hash=@get_config["template1"]

and I use this hash in my selection like


<%             templateOptions = ""                 @sites.each do |key,value|                 templateOptions = templateOptions + "<option value=#{key}>#{value}</option>"             end             %>             <%=select_tag "templates", templateOptions,{'style' => 'width:100px' } %>

in fact there is no problem here but when I update my hash like this @new_hash={"new_hash"=>"new_hash"} @my_hash.update(@new_hash)

it s sorted like, new_hash template_of_roster2 template_of_roster3

but I want to see new_hash at the last option. how can I do it? any idea.


Hello RoR Developers,

but I want to see new_hash at the last option. how can I do it? any idea.

By not using a hash. A hash just isn't ordered in ruby (in 1.9 they
are ordered by the order of insertion). ActiveSupport also provides an
OrderedHash class.
