Segment error loading rails

I have downloaded ruby 1.9.1 binaries to c:\ruby191 (I have ruby 1.8.6 under c:\ruby). I then downloaded gems 1.3.1 and ran "gem install rails --include-dependencies" from c:\ruby191\bin and it ran and came up with a segment error and killed the rails install.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?



you gotta try to install rails 2.3. all other previous versions are not compatible with 1.9.1.

on the other hand: anything could cause an error of which i don't even see the error-message...

I have found the solution for setting up a Ruby 1.9.1 environment with rails alongside another ruby and rails environment in a Windows Vista environment.

Step 1. Download the Ruby 1.9.1 binaries for windows and copy into a directory. I have called mine c:\ruby191.

Step 2. Add c:\ruby191\bin to the path statement

Step 3. Download the latest version of rubygems, 1.3.1 in my case.

Step 4. Install gems 1.3.1 Open Command Prompt, go to wherever you have downloaded rubygems-1.3.1 is and enter c:\ruby191\bin\ruby setup.rb. This should load gems into your ruby191 environment. Gems is used as an installer in the ruby world.

Step 5. Download zlib, I had two goes at this to get it right. is the website. Once you have downloaded it copy zlib1.dll to c:\Windows\System32\ and rename it to zlib.dll. You may have to reboot at this stage to get the rest of it to work. If you get the wrong version you will get a segmentation error in the next step.

Step 6. go to c:\ruby191\bin\ in command prompt and type "gem install rails --source" to download rails 2.3.0 RC1. See for these instructions as it "edge" rails.

Step 7. I then created a new project using NetBeans 6.5, and it seemed to have worked, it recognised the right version of ruby and rails, (it sould work if you do it the normal way with the command prompt). I have not done anything in the project yet but will update you with any issues I encounter. It has taken many hours to get to this stage.

Unfortunately windows users are in the minority with ruby/rails users so you will need to learn how to install binaries and rails as the bloke who used to write the windows loaders has given up doing it. I could not find any documentation on how to load ruby binaries and rails or any other framework environments in one document. It took me a while to get this far and I am not sure if I have done it correctly. I will let you know.

I have found the solution for setting up a Ruby 1.9.1 environment with

rails alongside another ruby and rails environment in a Windows Vista


Step 1. Download the Ruby 1.9.1 binaries for windows and copy into a

directory. I have called mine c:\ruby191.

Step 2. Add c:\ruby191\bin to the path statement

Step 3. Download the latest version of rubygems, 1.3.1 in my case.

Actually, rubygems comes with ruby 1.9.1. Thus, it’s not a seperate

install as it was in previous releases of Ruby.

I have deleted all my ruby191 stuff and recreated it from scratch by downloading the binaries of ruby 191 into c:\ruby191, (path has c:\ruby191\bin) as I already have ruby 186 under c:\ruby\bin.

After getting netbeans 6.5 (6.7m2 latest build) to recognise my new environment I then installed mysql gem, the latest, and succesfully created a project but was unable to create the database, rake db:create failed. The error is a segmentation fault in ruby 1.9.1 caused by /mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32/ext/

Any ideas?
