Scaffold and Localize

Is there a way to translate the labels in a scaffold?

Using <%= f.label :lastname %> instead of having to change that to <label><%= t(:firstname) %></label>

Cant test it straight away, but


should do the trick

Norbert Melzer wrote in post #1033193:

Cant test it straight away, but


should do the trick


Would be great if the possibility to localize could be built-in directly in scaffold.

After some more research, it is!

Given a Model "User" with the attribute "name"

some view with a form in it: form_for @user do |f|   f.label :name end

this will create a label for the input field with id :name AND label this according to the result that "User.human_attribute_name(:name)" would give.

just see label as an alias for

f.label :name, @user.class.human_attribute_name(:name)

Put in your locale then this structure:

en:   activerecord:     attributes:       user:         name: "The word your mother says when refering to you"

I stumbled upon this during my research. I wanted to create scaffold generators that do I18n. Here is the URL to the guides:

<Rails Internationalization (I18n) API — Ruby on Rails Guides;

HTH Norbert