ruby on rails with oralce interface in hp-ux

Hi Has any one installed ruby on rails with oracle interface in HP-UX 11.23 (Itanium). I face difficulties in oracle connectivity through ruby on rails. I could able to connect to oracle using ruby -r oci8 -e '"scott", "tiger", "//HOSTNAME_OR_IP/ SID").exec("select * from emp") do |r| puts r.join(","); end' It gies the out put.

When I try to reach the dynamic content through web interface the process crashes with the belwo error message. /usr/lib/hpux32/ Unsatisfied code symbol '__udivsi3' in load module '/opt/iexpress/rubyrails/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ia64-hpux11.23/' My static page works no issues on that. Your help is highly appreciated.


I face difficulties in oracle connectivity through ruby on rails. I could able to connect to oracle using ruby -r oci8 -e '"scott", "tiger", "//HOSTNAME_OR_IP/ SID").exec("select * from emp") do |r| puts r.join(","); end' It gies the out put.

Hi there,

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