Ruby on Rails setup not working - newbie help

Hello all,          I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem. This is definitely a newbie question as this is the case where the very first program of mine in RoR is not working. I downloaded Ruby, Ruby Gems and Rails from the site. I run Windows Vista. The starter page of index.html did work but that's it.       I have Ruby version 1.8.6, Gem version 0.9.4 and Rails version 1.2.3 I created an application called my_app by entering the console command rails my_app and this was done from the folder www/webroot (note, I use path representations of www/webroot or www>webroot to mean the same thing). This is the Apache server root folder which I use with PHP/MySQL, etc. I can use the server for Rails by typing : ruby server and that starts WeBrick. Then if I enter http://localhost:3000/ I get the index.htm page which is in my_app/public/ I can also get that page to load using http://localhost/my_app/public/       The problem with that file is that it has a link for My application environment that looks for rails/info/properties and cannot find it. There is no such folder of rails in the application folder my_app that I just mentioned.         Then the tutorial goes on to create the first application in RoR a Hello, World page. This is done by going to the Windows Console and from the my_app/scripts/ folder entering ruby generate controller say. This creates two folders. 1) in the folder my_app>app>controllers there is the file say_controller.rb 2) In the folder my_app>app>views> there is a folder say for the template/view file and that file will become hello.rhtml         Now, on the instructors system and in his browser he enters http://localhost:3000/say/hello/ And it comes up with a page that says in the body Hello, World. With the WeBrick browser running on my system I enter the same webpage and get a http 404 error page with the message "The Webpage cannot be loaded"           Can someone help me with this, please? Any tips?           Thanks, Bruce

Hi Bruce

I have found that the one-click installer for windows (rubt/rails/ apache/mysql) works pretty well. Check it out.