I built a web app using Ruby on Rails and it's working perfectly on
local host but once I move it to production I get this error message:
Application error
Rails application failed to start properly
I tried to turn environment.rb RAILS_ENV to "development" but still
didn't get any useful log or error messages!
The thing is that I know the shared host Fast CGI rails is working
because I'm using Redmine (Ruby on Rail project management tool) on the
shared host and it's working perfectly. I'm doing the same for my
application but I'm getting that error!
I wish you can tell me how I can start debugging or where to start to
get better error message so I can proceed.
Thanks for you suggestions. Rails log is empty! production.log and
development.log are empty!
I also checked CPanel logs (AWStat, Error log, Raw Access log..etc)
there wasn't anything help there
I couldn't find Apache log. Do you know where to find it? is it same
place as .htaccess file?
Try contacting your host as well This is often host specific.
Ramon Tayag
Thanks Ramon and Roger, I finally got that
I made a bit of progress by making the HTML static contents work
Ruby code doesn't work for some reason. It's currently using cgi (As per
.htaccess file). I'm getting the same message as before when trying to
access the Ruby on Rails content.