"Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics" video training

Rails friends,

I'm happy to announce that my latest video training, "Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics", has been released on the lynda.com Online Training Library.


"Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics" is the sequel to "Ruby on Rails Essential Training" and is 11.5 hours of video training for web developers who already feel comfortable with the fundamentals of Ruby and the Rails MVC framework. I teach more of the Ruby language and spend a lot of time on code blocks. Then I show you how to use migrations, demonstrate how to create CRUD that doesn't simply mimic scaffold, and give you a better understanding of ActiveRecord and some of the pitfalls that often trip up developers. I also cover validations, callbacks, routes, pagination, performance improvements and more.

Topics include: - irb and the Rails console - Intermediate Ruby language - Code blocks - Catching errors and raising exceptions - Migrations - Understanding ActiveRecord and avoiding common pitfalls - Flexible controllers and views (aka "ditching scaffold") - Eager loading and cache counters - Form validations and model callbacks - Using partials and helpers to organize views - Salting passwords for increased security - Session data storage options - Custom and named routes - Pagination

"Ruby on Rails Beyond the Basics" is available online as streaming video to subscribers of the lynda.com Online Training Library ($25/ month). It is will also be available soon as a CD-ROM both through lynda.com and Amazon.com.

Beginners will be better off starting with "Ruby on Rails Essential Training" which is available online to lynda.com OTL subscribers (http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=324) and on CD-ROM from Amazon.com for $99.95 (Amazon.com)

If you find it helpful, I hope you'll let me know.

Best, Kevin Skoglund