Dear Sir/Madam,
my name is Michel Barbosa and I'm a bachelor student at the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam in the Netherlands. In order to graduate for the study 'Informatics & Economics' I have to write a bachelor thesis and my subject is ruby on rails. My research object is as follows:
The research object of this study is the development of a new theory concerning the adoption of rails within (commercial) companies by providing a checklist companies can use to evaluate/consider using rails. The checklist will be be based on an analysis of the most important adoption factors/motivations and characteristics of companies that are already using rails. For the first time ever, the research will enable companies to consider rails by following this checklist and provides a starting point to the research of the adoption of rails by companies.
My question to you is if you're willing to participate in an online survey within the following 2 weeks, in order to analyze your (company's) motivations as well. The survey will be ready within the next week and afterwards I will be launching a website for the survey. I have already contacted a lot of companies, but I'm hoping that your company is willing to participate as well. If you're indeed willing to participate or are having doubts, please let me know by sending an email to
Sincerely yours,
Michel Barbosa 3e jaars student Informatica & Economie Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 289573mb