Routing problem, I think

I’ve got a Rails app that brings up a Home page, which includes a Vendor link. Clicking on that link I get ===========Web page start ======== NameError in VendorController#index uninitialized constant VendorController RAILS_ROOT: K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Rails_Apps/_EIMS/RTS Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace Request Parameters: None Show session dump Response Headers: {"Content-Type"=>"", "Cache-Control"=>"no-cache"} ===========Web page end ======== I start up with http://localhost:3000, which references config \routes.rb that contains (sans comments): ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|   map.resources :vendor   map.root :controller => "home", :action => "index"   map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'   map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' end

That combination brings up a webpage that includes a link named Vendor, which is generated by the collective effect of: • app\controllers\ app\controllers class HomeController < ApplicationController   layout 'standard'   def list   end end • app\views\home\ index.html.erb <!-- \app\views\home\index.html.erb --> <%= link_to 'Vendor', :controller=>'vendor', :action=>'index' %> &nbsp;

My machine is configured with: Rails 2.3.5 Ruby 1.8.6 WinXP-Pro/SP3 Firefox 3.6 MySQL 5.0.37-community-nt Mongrel

I’ve got a Rails app that brings up a Home page, which includes a Vendor link. Clicking on that link I get ===========Web page start ======== NameError in VendorController#index uninitialized constant VendorController

What's in vendor_controller.rb ?


I think it is looking for vendors_controller.rb

The controller is always the plural of the model, unless specified.

Renaming your vendor_controller.rb file to vendors_controller.rb should work.


RichardOnRails wrote:

Hi Frederick,

Thanks for looking into my problem. I trying hard to come up to speed on Rails. I think my Ruby's now adequate.

Best wishes, Richard

What's in vendor_controller.rb ?


Hi All,

I got the links working. I was just puttering around and all of a sudden I got them working. If I can figure out what's different now compared to my failing version, I'll report back.

I'm not confident I'll be able to tell because I just keep hacking until I get something working. II haven't taken the time to get subversion, etc., working.

Best wishes, Richard

Hi All,

I got the links working. I was just puttering around and all of a sudden I got them working. If I can figure out what's different now compared to my failing version, I'll report back.

I'm not confident I'll be able to tell because I just keep hacking until I get something working. II haven't taken the time to get subversion, etc., working.

Do it now, it will save time in the long run. It is difficult to learn if you are not sure what you did to fix something. Most seem to be using git now, it is my personal choice. It is trivially easy to start a repository even when just playing with a new idea.


Hi Colin,

Thanks for the encouragement. I swear I'll start employing subversion after I meet my two-week deadline on the first phase of the project I'm on.

Best wishes, Richard

RichardOnRails wrote:

Hi Colin,

Thanks for the encouragement. I swear I'll start employing subversion after I meet my two-week deadline on the first phase of the project I'm on.

Best wishes, Richard

You're kidding, right? Git in particular is very quick to set up. Do it *now* and you'll be better able to meet your deadline. There is no excuse at all for not using version control at all times.