So now that I'm not making ridiculous typos, I've got my homegrown photo uploading system going. But now the question is, how do I implement ImageMagick photo features? I've got ImageMagick and the RMagick gem installed, but I'm not sure at what point in the process I should implement the methods RMagick exposes?
To recap the basic file uploading code:
I have a model picture that has the following methods: validates_format_of :content_type, :with=>/^image/, :message=>'Uploading is limited to pictures'
def uploaded_picture=(picture_field) self.name = base_part_of(picture_field.original_filename) self.content_type = picture_field.content_type.chomp self.data = picture_field.read end
def base_part_of(file_name) File.basename(file_name).gsub(/[^\w._-]/,'') end
Basic validation to make sure it is an image, an accessor? method to instruct it to read the data being uploaded and a method to write the filename.
Turns out when you type it correctly, the controller isn't that tough either:
def get @picture =Picture.new end
def picture @picture=Picture.find(params[:id]) send_data(@picture.data, :filename=>@picture.name, :type=>@picture.content_type, :disposition=>"inline") end
def save @picture=Picture.new(params[:picture])
if @picture.save redirect_to(:action=>'show', :id=> @picture.id) else render(:action=> :get) end end
def show @picture=Picture.find(params[:id]) end
There are 3 views (index, show, get) but I'm omitting them.
If I've understood correctly, I need to create an Rmagick object so I can get at RMagick's methods. Judging from the docs, I think I would type:
picture_converted= Magick::Image.read(?) picture_converted.change_geometry!('320x240') { |cols, rows, img| img.resize!(cols, rows) }
I've put a question mark as the argument for read because I'm not sure what object I can tap into to manipulate it. Is it as simple as using ActiveRecord to retrieve a particular image and loading that into picture_converted?
picture_loaded=Picture.find(params[:id]) picture_converted=Magick::Image.read(picture_loaded)
I really appreciate the help...if any of you are in Palo Alto, I owe you a beer or something!