hi in my application i have a photo gallery page where i showing all my album photos, i want to developed a functionality where i can rotate photo there and and saved backed to file system. how it is possible ?
RMagick can do this: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/
Thorsten Mueller wrote:
RMagick can do this: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/
please send me some clues i haven't understood from rmagic documentation.
Untested sample code, compressed to a one-liner to get to the essentials:
Magick::Image.read("/path/to/file/to/rotate").first.rotate! (90).write("/path/to/rotated/file")
Breakdown and explanation:
Magick::Image.read("/path/to/your/file") - -Read in file
.first -select first layer (unless you are dealing with animated GIF's or something, this is usually the only one)
.rotate!(90) - I'll let you guess. Note, unlike regular math, positive angles mean clockwise, not counter-clockwise. Note also the bang, which means to modify the object in-place, not return a new one, which is why we can chain these calls in one line.
.write("") - Write the new image out.
After doing "Magick::Image.read("/path/to/your/file").first" you have an Image object, which is where all the work gets done. I think you can follow the API from there, as once you know how to get an Image object, all the methods are right there.