rjs is either not ignored or not evaluated


I'm testing ajax in a restful resource. In a non-restful controller, ajax worked fine. But in a restful controller, ajax didn't work as I expected.

I did the following. 1. script/generate scaffold user name:string 2. rake db:migrate 3. In users_controller.rb, I added one line to the create method's response_to block.

format.js { render :layout => false }

4. In index.html.erb, I added an ajax form.

<% remote_form_for :user, User.new, :url => users_path do |f| %>   <%= f.text_field :name %>   <%= submit_tag "Create" %> <% end %>

5. I created create.js.rjs and wrote a simple rjs code.


When I clicked "Create" button, format.html was executed instead of format.js.

So I changed the :url part. :url => formatted_users_path(:js)

Now format.js is called but it displays the JavaScript code on a new page. It's supposed to be evaluated, right?

What did I do wrong?

Thanks. Sam