RJS show as 'try...' in AJAX update

Hi guys,

I am trying to display Javascript code after an Ajax call. It is executing the JS code, but it's also displaying it. It shows as:

try { alert(...); } catch .. ...

my controller code:

render :update do |page|   page.alert message_var end

my Javascript code:   new Ajax.Updater("div_id", my_controller_url,      { asynchronous: true,         evalScripts: true,         method: 'get',         parameters: query_string       }   );

In the prototype documentation, it says AJax.Updater's evalScripts will eval anything in <script> tags, and they will not be displayed. Is there anyway to wrap RJS output's in <script> tags?

Or another way of solving this?

Much thanks Xin

Hi guys,

I am trying to display Javascript code after an Ajax call. It is executing the JS code, but it's also displaying it. It shows as:

try { alert(...); } catch .. ...

my controller code:

render :update do |page| page.alert message_var end

my Javascript code: new Ajax.Updater("div_id", my_controller_url,     { asynchronous: true,        evalScripts: true,        method: 'get',        parameters: query_string      } );

In the prototype documentation, it says AJax.Updater's evalScripts
will eval anything in <script> tags, and they will not be displayed. Is
there anyway to wrap RJS output's in <script> tags?

Don't use Ajax.Updater with render :update (just plain old
Ajax.Request will do fine)
