Removing an element from an array


I'm adding objects to an array, where they are displayed elsewhere on the page. I went to add the remove method, called by the remove button on the page, and it's not functioning as I would hope. I figured this is a straightforward thing, but I want to do it the right way.

Add in view <%= link_to_remote 'Add',     :url => { :action => 'add_subject', :id => subject },     :update => 'added_subjects'%>

Add in controller   def add_subject     @added_subjects = find_added_subjects     @added_subjects << Subject.find(params[:id])

    render :partial => 'added_subjects', :layout => false   end

I tried this for the remove,

View <%= link_to_remote 'Remove',    :url => { :action => 'remove_subject', :id => subject },    :update => 'added_subjects' %>

Controller   def remove_subject     @added_subjects = find_added_subjects     @added_subjects.reject! { |subject| == params[:id] }

    render :partial => 'added_subjects', :layout => false   end
