Remove or hide the port number 3000 from the URL

Hi Friends,

I have created a ruby on rails application and its running with mongrel/phusion passenger . I need to remove/hide the port number 3000 from the URL http://localhost:3000.

Please help me how to proceed for this?

Regards, Periyasamy

Well the only way your browser will hide the port number is if you’re using the default port number for the protocol.

For HTTP, this means port 80.

You’ll need to run your rails application on port 80, or have it proxied behind another web server (such as Apache) that is running on port 80.


best solution would be proxy or apache's virtual host.


Tim Shaffer wrote in post #1018030:

Well the only way your browser will hide the port number is if you're using the default port number for the protocol.

For HTTP, this means port 80.

You'll need to run your rails application on port 80, or have it proxied behind another web server (such as Apache) that is running on port 80.

Hi Shaffer,

Thanks for your reply. Yes I am running my application with Phusion passenger using apache. The apache is running on the port 80. I am able see the apache test page for the URL http://localhost.

If I start the phusion passenger, by default it takes 3000 port. I am unable to use the port 80 since its already running for apache.

could you help how can I run my application with the port 80 using phusion passenger with apache?

Regards, Periyasamy

Easiest way is to use the passenger apache module.

Once you have installed the passenger gem (sounds like you have), you can use the “passenger-install-apache2-module” command to install the apache module.

Check out the documentation here:

<VirtualHost computer-name>       ServerName computer-name       DocumentRoot "C:/your/path/to/app/"       ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/       ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/       ProxyPreserveHost On </VirtualHost>