Regarding PDF Writer

Hello guys,              I have a problem with saving the pdf....   This is my controller code -------------------

  def getpdf       pdf =       @room_event = RoomEvent.find(:all)       @table.column_order = RoomEvent.column_names       data =       @room_event.each do |room_event|         data.push({"name" =>, "description" => room_event.description, "id" =>})       end data       @table.render_on(pdf)       pdf.save_as("public/pdf/hello.pdf")   end

There is one more file called getpdf.rpdf in which i havnt put any code...

and there is a link in a some other rhtml file which calls this getpdf action. <%= link_to "get pdf", :action => "getpdf" %>

Now when i click on that link "get pdf" it asks me where to save this file. and also it saves the file in pdf folder. but i just want it to save in that pdf folder and doesnt want it to ask me explicitly.

Can anyone suggest me any ideas how can i do this... i am very new to these concepts.... Can anyone help??