redirect_to with params for a nested resource?

Hello out there! I am developing an app that includes a simple forum system, and am using a nested resource there:

  resources :forums do     resources :topics   end

So I get URLs like /forums/3/topics/2. Now I, for sure, also got a Post model, controller, etc., and I want this controller to redirect to the topic which was posted to, which will work fine with:

  redirect_to [, @topic]

But I want to pass a params[:page] variable to use with the will_paginate gem, so it redirects to the right page of the new post, not just to the first page of the topic as of default. (I wrote a small helper method there to find out the right page for a post)

So I tried this:

  redirect_to [, @topic], :page => find_topic_page(@post)

And I neither get a ?page=1 GET request in the URL, nor does it show up in my <%= debug(params) %> stuff. It seems to get lost somewhere in between.

So my question would be: How can I redirect to a nested resource's path and pass a page params variable?

Simon Welker wrote in post #1019149:

Hello out there! I am developing an app that includes a simple forum system, and am using a nested resource there:

  resources :forums do     resources :topics   end

So I get URLs like /forums/3/topics/2. Now I, for sure, also got a Post model, controller, etc., and I want this controller to redirect to the topic which was posted to, which will work fine with:

  redirect_to [, @topic]

But I want to pass a params[:page] variable to use with the will_paginate gem, so it redirects to the right page of the new post, not just to the first page of the topic as of default. (I wrote a small helper method there to find out the right page for a post)

So I tried this:

  redirect_to [, @topic], :page => find_topic_page(@post)

How about:

redirect_to( a_named_route(, @topic),               { :page => find_topic_page(@post) }            )

Simon Welker wrote in post #1019149:

Hello out there!

I am developing an app that includes a simple forum system, and am

using a nested resource there:

resources :forums do

resources :topics


So I get URLs like /forums/3/topics/2. Now I, for sure, also got a

Post model, controller, etc., and I want this controller to redirect

to the topic which was posted to, which will work fine with:

redirect_to [, @topic]

But I want to pass a params[:page] variable to use with the

will_paginate gem, so it redirects to the right page of the new post,

not just to the first page of the topic as of default. (I wrote a

small helper method there to find out the right page for a post)

So I tried this:

redirect_to [, @topic], :page => find_topic_page(@post)

How about:

redirect_to( a_named_route(, @topic), { :page => find_topic_page(@post) }


As 7stud pointed out, you might want to resort to using named_routes. But I think 7stud’s syntax

is a bit wrong. It should be (using your routes above)

redirect_to forum_topic_path(, @topic, :page => find_topic_page(@post))

Jim ruther Nill wrote in post #1019226:

Thanks so far guys. Will try this. Currently I'm using a very raw string concatenation which just appends the page - and the id.

forum_topic_path(, @topic) + "?page=" + find_topic_page(@post) + "#post-" +

it is. So well, I'd be glad if I could replace it with the nice and shiny version.. But how to append the # anchor thingy then, is there some option for that?

Thanks, as said :slight_smile: