Receiver for *_path or *_url

I'm trying to find out the receiver for *_path messages as in:       link_to 'Show', product_path(@product)

This came up when I moved the creation of view fragments into objects (RColumn) intended to encapsulate the view behaviors of the various fields in a record as part of an exploration of dynamic scaffolding (e.g. streamlined). Those objects do not have a product_path() method, of course. I thought at first that the controller using the RColumns within a view would be the receiver, but that appears to not be true. I suspect the receiver is a routing mapper object but do not know how to make that object available for use in my RColumn.

BTW. The alternate form:                 link_to 'Show', { :controller => 'products', :action => 'show', :id => }           works in the RColumn context.

Any suggestions?

Doc Pneumo

Perhaps to clarify: I realize that what ever happens to be self whenever the method is encountered is sent the message in the examples I posted. I'm looking for the intended receiver so that I can use something like:

      link_to 'Show', recvr.product_path(@product)

in my RColumn instances.