do i get the "projects_path" from controller?

hi, i have a generic _index partial, but i am struggling with constrcuting the

(link_to “show”, …(

how can i get that filled in? i have tried via url_for (controller & action), but it always says: arguments passed to url_for can’t be handled

please help


The projects path isn't coming from the controller, it's coming from the routes file. Do you have any references in your routes.rb file that mention projects?


yes i do: scope :pm do get ‘/’, :to => ‘projects#dashboard’, :as=>‘pm_dashboard’ resources :project_resource_groups #, :path=>‘tasks’ resources :project_programs resources :projects


but again, the _index view partial is used in a lot index actions, so i dont know how to “pick” the right ‘path’ while creating the html table…


You could use

link_to 'Index', url_for(controller: controller_name, action: :index)

instead. That would be agnostic of whichever controller was rendering that _index.html.erb partial.


You can pass the object to the link_to if you want to use the show url:

link_to ‘Show’, record

Rails will infere the show action with the proper controller and id from the object’s class

Oh, duh. I didn't read what you were asking. Please ignore my answer. Ariel has the right answer here.


thanks to all, BUT:

<%= link_to “X”, project_path( %>

→ harcoding works

<%= link_to “X”, url_for([rec, ]) %>

→ arguments passed to url_for can’t be handled. Please require routes or provide your own implementation

<%= link_to “X2”, :url => url_for(action: ‘show’, controller: “pm/projects”, :id=> ) %>

→ arguments passed to url_for can’t be handled. Please require routes or provide your own implementation

<%= link_to “X3”, url_for(action: ‘show’, controller: “pm/projects”, :id=> ) %>

→ arguments passed to url_for can’t be handled. Please require routes or provide your own implementation

i am loosing it…

Started GET “/pm/projects” for at 2019-05-21 15:12:09 -0400 Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1, Processing by ProjectsController#index as HTML User Load (0.6ms) SELECT “users”.* FROM “users” WHERE “users”.“id” = $1 ORDER BY “users”.“id” ASC LIMIT 1 [[“id”, 1]] “ProjectsController::index =================================================”


<%= link_to "show1", rec %>

--> arguments passed to url_for can't be handled. Please require routes or provide your own implementation

where are you calling that link_to helper? on a view? on a helper? sounds like you are not on the right context to properly use url_for helper (that’s why it complains that you have to require routes or provide your implementation for it)