rake rails:freeze:gems bug in rails 2.3.5?

Hi All,   Not sure if this is a bug or expected behavior.   I've pasted my log below, but basically the first time that I run rake rails:freeze:gems, I get action* all unpacked into app/vendor/ rails.....the 2nd time I run it? I only get vendor/railties/*

  Something I've done wrong? Thanks, Dale

---- log -----

~/cygwin/test$ rake rails:freeze:gems (in C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/app) Freezing to the gems for Rails 2.3.5 rm -rf vendor/rails mkdir -p vendor/rails cd vendor/rails Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/activesupport-2.3.5' mv activesupport-2.3.5 activesupport Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/activerecord-2.3.5' mv activerecord-2.3.5 activerecord Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/actionpack-2.3.5' mv actionpack-2.3.5 actionpack Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/actionmailer-2.3.5' mv actionmailer-2.3.5 actionmailer Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/activeresource-2.3.5' mv activeresource-2.3.5 activeresource Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/rails-2.3.5' cd -

~/cygwin/test$ rake rails:freeze:gems (in C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test) Freezing to the gems for Rails 2.3.5 rm -rf vendor/rails mkdir -p vendor/rails cd vendor/rails Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/rails-2.3.5' cd -

~/cygwin/test$ cd vendor/ ~/cygwin/test/vendor$ rm -rf rails ~/cygwin/test/vendor$ ls plugins

~/cygwin/test/vendor$ ls plugins/ ~/cygwin/test/vendor$ cd ..

~/cygwin/test$ rake rails:freeze:gems (in C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test) Freezing to the gems for Rails 2.3.5 rm -rf vendor/rails mkdir -p vendor/rails cd vendor/rails Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/activesupport-2.3.5' mv activesupport-2.3.5 activesupport Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/activerecord-2.3.5' mv activerecord-2.3.5 activerecord Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/actionpack-2.3.5' mv actionpack-2.3.5 actionpack Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/actionmailer-2.3.5' mv actionmailer-2.3.5 actionmailer Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/activeresource-2.3.5' mv activeresource-2.3.5 activeresource Unpacked gem: 'C:/Documents and Settings/Dale Schaafsma/cygwin/test/ vendor /rails/rails-2.3.5' cd -


FYI, just upgraded rails to 2.3.8 via "gem update rails" and same thing...even on a brand new rails app. Should you want here are the versions I've got at the moment: $ rails -v Rails 2.3.8 $ ruby -v ruby 1.9.1p378 (2010-01-10 revision 26273) [i386-mingw32] $ rake -V rake, version 0.8.7