Rails3 rails console throws error


I am trying Rails 3 and I am using RVM to manage the ruby versions.

Using RVM I had installed ruby versions 1.8.7, 1.9.1 and 1.9.2

When I do "rails console" I am getting the following error and console isn't starting: http://www.pastie.org/1026503

Since I dont require 1.9.1 any more to work with Rails 3, I un-installed it using the following command:

rvm uninstall ruby-1.9.1

Then also, the console isn't working. Please help.

This error means you did not have the required dependencies to install readline during installation of ruby. If you can find the location of the ruby source files in your system, you can go to the ext/readline folder. In there there should be an extconf.rb which you can run with

ruby extconf.rb

This will fail but it will tell you what dependencies is missing. You would have to install those first. I don't know what OS you are using but when I had this error in CentOS I had to install a few packages from yum before I could run extconf.rb successfully. After this it will generate a make file which is just like installing any other package from source.

Kenneth wrote:

This error means you did not have the required dependencies to install readline during installation of ruby. If you can find the location of the ruby source files in your system, you can go to the ext/readline folder. In there there should be an extconf.rb which you can run with

ruby extconf.rb

This will fail but it will tell you what dependencies is missing. You would have to install those first. I don't know what OS you are using but when I had this error in CentOS I had to install a few packages from yum before I could run extconf.rb successfully. After this it will generate a make file which is just like installing any other package from source.


Thanks for the reply. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and RVM to manage different ruby installations.

I had to do:

rvm package install readline rvm remove 1.9.2 rvm install 1.9.2 -C --with-readline-dir=/home/syed/.rvm/usr/

following the instructions here: http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/packages/readline/ and with help from Sutto at #rvm irc.freenode.net

I didn't try your solution, though I am sure it works.

Thanks once again.