RAILS version not consistent

see this commands :

run@vm:/CA/rails_6.1/ca$ rails -v
Rails 6.1.0
run@vm:/CA/rails_6.1/ca$ rails c
Running via Spring preloader in process 20535
Loading development environment (Rails

So why the rails console still using the version before the upgrade - 6.0.3 1 ?

Maybe Spring needs to be restarted? :thinking:

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Yes . this helps :wink: thank you !

run@vm:/CA/rails_6.1/ca$ ps -ef | grep spring 
run 21037     1  0 Jan12 ?        00:00:00 spring server | ca | started 396 hours ago
run 24137 24060  0 09:39 pts/3    00:00:00 grep --color=auto spring
run@vm:/CA/rails_6.1/ca$ kill 21037
run@vm:/CA/rails_6.1/ca$ rails c
Running via Spring preloader in process 24181
Loading development environment (Rails 6.1.0)
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“May of the WTFs” - when you just forgot to restart spring