You've probably heard the phrase before... maybe even used it. What I want to know is what does it mean to you? What should a professional rails programmer know? I'm going to spend the next 6 months learn Rails in depth and I want to prioritize what I learn.
Here are some things that have come to mind so far that I want to learn:
* Shopping Cart + Checkout * Substruct * Subversion * Capistrano * Attachment_fu * Caching o MemCache o Page Caching o Fragment Caching * ActiveMerchant * Acts as paranoid * RSpec * Git * Action Mailer * RJS o Prototype o Effects o Scriptaculous * subdomains as account + payment plans * SSL * Acts as taggable * Authentication o Restful Authentication o Role-based authentication o Open ID authentication * Testing o Unit o Functional * Design o Lightbox helper o Redbox o Creating helpers * Flex + Rails * Flash Charts * RMagick * Liquid * GeoKit * Google Maps * Restful Development
Anything I miss? For those that consider themselves pros at Rails, what do you know that makes you valuable?