I have played with JRuby on Rails in the past and managed to make it
work with Firebird. Although migrations did not work, I managed to do
everything manually and it worked. Now, I am working with Ruby on
Rails and was wondering if anyone here has managed to get Rails to
work with Firebird 2.1.x.
If yes, what were the steps? I installed fb and fb_adapter, and I get
the following error: No Firebird connections established. And here is
the stack trace:
I have played with JRuby on Rails in the past and managed to make it
work with Firebird. Although migrations did not work, I managed to do
everything manually and it worked. Now, I am working with Ruby on
Rails and was wondering if anyone here has managed to get Rails to
work with Firebird 2.1.x.
If yes, what were the steps? I installed fb and fb_adapter, and I get
the following error: No Firebird connections established. And here is
the stack trace:
-------------------------- begin stack trace
------------------------------------- end stack trace
Can someone help me out here?
Thanks in advance.
I'm replaying in case some one googles this.
I'm maintaining a new project called rubyfb based on the FireRuby
bundled with activerecord adapter. I'm using it flawlessly in production
environment (activerecord-2.3.5 and Firebird-2.1.3). If someone is
interested the project page is http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubyfb/
I have tried it with Firebird 1.5 up to Firebird 2.5. It was pretty
well, but there is no support for migrations. I had managed to add
support for migration to this adapter, but have lost the files when I
re-installed the system and forgot to backup. I now use postgres and
mysql, but have firebird setup for some projects I have done in the