Rails editor

Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you guys know off any light-weight rails editor... I am using RadRails... and after i moved to Rails 2.0 RadRails is not giving me syntax highlighting for .html.erb files

but all i need is a good editor and not an IDE... i don't want all server, test debug etc on it.. it just makes it madly heavy

all I need is good syntax highlighting...


Currently, I use TextMate on OS X. Vim and Emacs are good cross-platform editors. On Windows, I’ve heard good things about the E text editor, as it’s quite similar to TextMate. There are many other choices, though. You should be able to find lots of recommendations by searching this mailing list, as this question is common.

Craig Demyanovich wrote:

Currently, I use TextMate on OS X. Vim and Emacs are good cross-platform editors. On Windows, I've heard good things about the E text editor, as it's quite similar to TextMate. There are many other choices, though. You should be able to find lots of recommendations by searching this mailing list, as this question is common.

It would be really kind of you if you can post some links of anything you get

btw i am on linux

It would be really kind of you if you can post some links of anything

you get

I leave it to you to conduct a thorough search, but searching Google for

rails editors

turns up this hit


which should be a good start.

btw i am on linux

Then you likely already have vim or Emacs. Googling for

vim rails


emacs rails

will turn up many hits. Since I don’t use those editors for Rails development, I don’t have any advice regarding them.

Good luck,


I am enjoying Aptana Studio with the RadRails plaugin installed.

Craig Demyanovich wrote:

Try NetBeans 6.1 Beta it rocks.


Here is Netbeans forum on Nabble


I have Netbeans 6.1 beta installed on both Ubuntu 7.1 and Fedora 5. It runs very well. I run Nebeans on Windows as well, so it is very convenient. I don't have a Mac so I cannot comment on it.

For light-weight editing, both VIM (or GVIM or Cream with Ruby plug-in) or gedit which comes with every linux installation are good enough.

So really with NetBeans IDE and these two editors, I don't have a need to look elsewhere. I have been a long time Eclipse user and still use Eclipse for Java work, but NetBeans is way ahead of anything open-source in the Eclipse world for Ruby and Ruby on Rails which is my primary interest at this point.

Hope this helps.



I agree, on my linux box I use netbeans with the ruby stuffed plugged in - and it rocks. It's a little slow (in the ui aspect) but that's probably my machine itself. I am a big vi fan, though, and do also utilize that for "quickie" edits.


Fan of NetBeans!

Cheers, Sazima

Tom, You may want to install the latest JDK 6 update 10 beta release, it definitely improves the performance and also the look and feel. See my recent post and Tor's reply on the NetBeans Nabble forum:


