Anything but Aptana

Not trying to get into a "What's a good IDE" here, BUT....On Windows....RadRails never cut it. Under Aptana, it's a terrible joke, and I'm sick of losing so much time waiting not only for this thing to initialize, but the hanging and crashing I go through is killing me.

Please, someone....point me to a decent, lightweight IDE. All i want is syntax coloring. I'm thinking notepad++ here. Anyone have a better solutions? Thanks. RVince


for the time being i swithced to linux/ubuntu

If all you want is syntax coloring, you can do Notepad++, SCiTe, or gVim.

If you want an IDE, get Netbeans.

Vim with Rails.vim and a few other nice plugins.

Try jEdit (4.3pre17) with the ruby plugin


Thanks guys -- may be a dumb q, but...

It seems that if you are coding rails, there's little you need/want other than syntax highlighting (and perhaps a means to prettify the code). You really cannot set breakpoints or use an IDE in writing Rails can you? -Rvince

If you want to invest a little bit of time learning a great editor, Vim combined with the rails.vim plugin is really great. There's a learning curve, but it really gets the job done and will improve your productivity.

try notepad++ with lightexplorer plugins or newest Netbeans IDE. notepad++ is light weight text editor but without auto complete feature. Netbeans comes with more feature but a lil bit slower.

Thanks guys – may be a dumb q, but…

It seems that if you are coding rails, there’s little you need/want

other than syntax highlighting (and perhaps a means to prettify the

code). You really cannot set breakpoints or use an IDE in writing

Rails can you? -Rvince

Things you may want:

  • quick access to the logs

  • easy directory tree parsing

  • easy toggling between controller/model/view

  • code completion (it does come in handy!)

  • a simple way to choose which version of Ruby and/or Rails to use with

your app

  • rake tasks

  • migration control

etc etc. It’s nothing particularly fancy but the IDE just makes it

easier by bringing it all together.



I will suggest you to try gVim along with the plugin called rails.vim (to say the least, there are lots of other stuff as well you could try on your own) I can say with confidence it will change your life.

Thanks & Regards, Dhruva Sagar.

Pablo Picasso - “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”

1 more thing I forgot, snippetsEmu is another plugin you must sure have…

Thanks & Regards, Dhruva Sagar.

Jonathan Swift - “May you live every day of your life.”

Sure you can.

Rails has very nice support for ruby-debug. The various ruby IDEs use ruby-debug, and there are plug-ins for various programmers editors (vim, emacs, textmate for the mac ...) which allow ruby/rails programs to be run under the debugger, set breakpoints from the editor, etc. For example I use the rubyamp plugin in textmate which does this.

Most Ruby/Rails programmers I know of tend to use editors rather than IDEs. By personal observation most I've seen are using OS X and Textmate. There are also plugins to do things like run tests and rspec specs from the ide and get nice pretty displays of the results. I tend to use this in conjunction with autotest/autospec which monitors file changes and runs tests/specs automatically.


you should try e-text for windows.

's David Sousa

How about RubyMine? I use it and think it is awesome.


David Sousa wrote:

Emacs. It has everything. After several years using it now I couldn't imagine using something else.

I IRC with it, I compile with it, I shell out with it, I run mongrel with it, I build Rails apps with it, the list goes on and on. Takes a few days to get over the initial learning curve but then it's all downhill from there, well worth the time investment.

Get yourself an Emacs cheat sheet and have a go. You'll never be so happy to not touch your mouse.

Does Emacs have any rails plugins ? (of course it does, but what are they ? )


I'm not certain, but my friend knows:

You can set breakpoints in Netbeans. It integrates with rails-debug- ide very nicely. I recommend Netbeans.

Another vote for e text editor. Similar to TextMate.

I've tried a few and love vim but Netbeans is definitly the business .

I have tried quite a few myself.

I will say again, VIM is the best option if one isn’t already a master at using Emacs.

If your confortable with Emacs, then there are no questions about Emacs.

But otherwise, I don’t think there is anything better than VIM with a bunch of plugins, if you are able to find and customize the .vimrc file properly, you won’t even have much of a learning curve…

Thanks & Regards, Dhruva Sagar.

Charles de Gaulle - “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.”