Rails 3.1 and mysql

I have been having some trouble upgrading a rails app to 3.1. Latest seems to be a 3.1 <-> mysql issue. Here is what I have trimmed it down to.

# create a 3.1 app rails new playing cd playing # Change Gemfile to use mysql instead of sqlite (following lines in the Gemfile) #gem 'sqlite3' gem 'mysql' gem 'ruby-mysql'

bundle install # Edit config/database.yml to configure for mysql.

rails generate scaffold race name:string distance:decimal difficulity:integer rake db:create rake db:migrate rails s

# Now navigate to http://localhost:3000/races, select "New race" and fill in the fields and then select "Create race" The race is created in the database table, but the browser navigates to an error page that reports. "Couldn't find Race with id=0" and indeed the url in the browser is http://localhost:3000/races/0

This works just fine with sqlite, but fails with mysql.

It looks like the save action is not updating the id value for the saved record so the redirect sees an id of 0 and builds the URL. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this and has a solution?