Rails 2.3.8 and form_tag usage

I have just upgraded my entire system to use the subject line version of rails...of course...this broke my previous rails apps as many things are handled a bit differently...!

I have all apps running fine now but am having a problem when using form_tag over form_for...(I need form_tag so I can use 'select' drop- downs and can find no such usage for form-for)...

Here's the error I get: Unknown action No action responded to 8. Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new, show, and update

Here's the form code: <% form_tag :action => 'update', :id => @tankticket do %>   <%= render :partial => 'form' %>   <%= submit_tag 'Update' %> <% end %>

Here's the update code:   def update     @tankticket = Tankticket.find(params[:id])

    respond_to do |format|       if @tankticket.update_attributes(params[:tankticket])         format.html { redirect_to(@tankticket, :notice => 'Tankticket was successfully updated.') }         format.xml { head :ok }       else         format.html { render :action => "edit" }         format.xml { render :xml => @tankticket.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

It's gotta be something simple that I'm missing...and...I'm thinking it's in the 'form_tag' code...dunno

I have just upgraded my entire system to use the subject line version of rails...of course...this broke my previous rails apps as many things are handled a bit differently...!

I have all apps running fine now but am having a problem when using form_tag over form_for...(I need form_tag so I can use 'select' drop- downs and can find no such usage for form-for)...

Just use f.select

Here's the error I get: Unknown action No action responded to 8. Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new, show, and update

When does that happen? Check in the log to see what is happening. Show us some more of the log if you cannot see it, from the render of the view you have shown below to the end.


Thanks Colin...

The Unkown Action error in my original post is all the error I get...sorry f.select is not an option in 'form_for'...I tried that...!

crashbangboom wrote: [...]

f.select is not an option in 'form_for'...I tried that...!

Sure it is. If you're getting errors, fix the errors. If you can't do that, share them with the list. But f.select should absolutely work.
