Rails 2.0 Fixtures bug?


I've started playing with Rails 2.0.2 and I have an issue with fixtures. It used to work in Rails 1.8.6...

A bit of context first. I have 2 models:

class competition   has_and_belongs_to_many :teams end

class team   has_and_belongs_to_many :competitions end

In my competition_test.rb, I have:

def test_teams_association   assert competitions(:competition_one).teams.include? teams(:team_one) end

First I know that this is testing ActiveRecord more than anything else but still this test used to pass in Rails 1.8.6 but fails with Rails 2.0.

I printed out competitions(:competition_one).teams.last (if we imagine that :team_one is indeed the last in the array) and teams(:team_one) and I get something like:

competitions(:competition_one).teams.last => #<Team id: 487, name: "Team One", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

teams(:team_one) => #<Team id: 607411122, name: "Team One", created_at: "2008-01-14 21:26:05", updated_at: "2008-01-14 21:26:05">

Has anyone come with this issue and know what it's all about?

Thanks for your help.

Hi Laurent,

Can you show us a link to a pastie of your fixture files? That'll help show what's going on.

~ j.

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply. Here are the fixture files:


Thanks for your reply. Here are the fixture files:

Based on these fixture files and your output above, it looks like you might have an unclean test database.

competitions(:competition_one).teams.last => #<Team id: 487, name: "Team One", created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

teams(:team_one) => #<Team id: 607411122, name: "Team One", created_at: "2008-01-14 21:26:05", updated_at: "2008-01-14 21:26:05">

I bet you have two teams named "Team One": One that was inserted into the database before your upgrade to Rails 2 (ID 487), and one after (ID 607411122). Try dropping your databases and rerunning.

~ j.


Thanks for pointing me towards the right direction. It now works.

I first dropped all databases and started again with no success. I actually took a look at the test database, namely the competitions_teams table.

I created it using a migration file like :

def self.up   create_table :competitions_teams do |t|     t.references :competition, :team     t.timestamps   end end

and the table had the following columns:

id | competition_id | team_id | updated_at | created_at |

In the test I re-ran, I now had "26" as the id for the competitions(:competition_one).teams.last which turned out to be one of the primary key of my competitions_teams table!

I dropped it, recreated it by hand with only competition_id and team_id columns and it is now all working fine :).

I suppose you always have to create the link tables by hand? Or is there a Rails way for this too?

Thanks again for your help.

Laurent Colloud wrote: teams table!

I dropped it, recreated it by hand with only competition_id and team_id columns and it is now all working fine :).

I suppose you always have to create the link tables by hand? Or is there a Rails way for this too?

You might find it useful to take a look at the FixtureReplacement plugin at:


I just discovered it today so I cannot speak from my own experience, but it came highly recommended.