Trouble with tests + sexy migrations [Rails 2.0.1]

Hi all. I've upgraded my Rails yesterday and trying to use the following code:

$ script/generate scaffold Email user:references email:string

  I got, in my database:

Are you confusing your test database with your development database. I suspect that you've only run the migrations against the latter.

You probably need to do something like

rake db:test:prepare

What's in your fixtures file? If you've got user: then that's your problem, since you have no user column, only a user_id column


Already did it.

  I've already run rake db:create:all, rake db:test:prepare and I've tried rake db:test:clone_structure.

  My test database was created fine with all tables, but I can't understand what is going on with field names...


Yes, that's probably right, unless he's using Rails 2.0 where you can use symbolic relationship values:


fred:    name: Fred ... _END_

emails:   user: fred   email: Hi Fred _END_

But in that case, it would be inserting into the user_id field instead of the user field.

> > > show fields from emails; > > > > +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ > > > > > Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | > > > > +------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ > > > > > id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | > > > user_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | > > > email | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | > > > > [...] > > > > > > test_truth(EmailTest): > > ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'user' in > > 'field list': INSERT INTO `emails` (`user`,`email`) VALUES > > (NULL,'MyString') > > What's in your fixtures file? If you've got user: then that's your > problem, since you have no user column, only a user_id column

  Yeah! The problem was in fixtures files...   I've changed from user: to user_id: and all is working fine.


Yes, that's probably right, unless he's using Rails 2.0 where you can use symbolic relationship values:


fred:    name: Fred ... _END_

emails:   user: fred   email: Hi Fred _END_

But in that case, it would be inserting into the user_id field instead of the user field.

  I'm using Rails 2.0, but all fields was empty.

  I'll try go back from user_id: to user: and fill some info. I'll post results...

  Thank you all.

Is there a belongs_to association in your Email model? Lacking that would cause this error.

Davi wrote: