rails 2 fixtures not working

I upgraded my 1.2.6 app to 2.0.2 with all tests passing. I then rewrote the fixtures with the new rails 2 'foxy fixtures' style, e.g. referencing fixture names instead of ids. I'm now getting a ton of errors like the following:

1) ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in 'LineItemCache truth' PGError: ERROR: column "line_item" of relation "line_item_caches" does not exist LINE 1: ...item_caches ("cached_product_name", "unit_price", "line_item...                                                              ^ : INSERT INTO line_item_caches ("cached_product_name", "unit_price", "line_item") VALUES (E'foo', 1, E'li_prep_time_7')

Looks like it's not detecting the model relationships in this case. Here's the relevant fixture and model info:


DEFAULTS: &DEFAULTS   cached_product_name: foo   unit_price: 1

lic1:   line_item: li1   <<: *DEFAULTS


DEFAULTS: &DEFAULTS   special_ins: asdf   unit_price: 1   quantity: 1

li1:   product: small_espresso   order: order1   user: joe   <<: *DEFAULTS


class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base    has_one :line_item_cache, :dependent => :destroy end


class LineItemCache < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :line_item end

Funny thing is, sometimes it does pick up the names, but then I get another wierd error where it thinks #<YAML::Syck::MergeKey:0xb6f040b8> is a column name:

1) ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in 'Location hours by type' PGError: ERROR: column "#<YAML::Syck::MergeKey:0xb6f040b8>" of relation "orders" does not exist LINE 1: ..., "id", "pickup_time", "user_id", "order_number", "#<YAML::S...                                                              ^ : INSERT INTO orders ("status", "location_id", "id", "pickup_time", "user_id", "order_number", "#<YAML::Syck::MergeKey:0xb6f040b8>", "created_at") VALUES (E'open', 673263714, 1026752367, E'2008-05-07 03:40:00', 910594905, 12345, E'--- &id001 status: open pickup_time: 2008-05-07 03:40:00 !ruby/object:YAML::Syck::MergeKey ? {} : *id001 location: joes_coffee ', E'2008-05-07 03:18:05.670587')

Anyone had a similar problem?

Hi --

Yes the test db is indeed current. Fixtures were loading and my tests were passing before I changed the fixtures.