Question re assert_equal

In Agile Web Development with Rails, the following statement is given:

assert_equal "has already been taken", product.errors[:title].join('; ')

My question is: Why is the join(...) needed and what exactly does it do here?

If it does what I assume, join an array of strings and use "; " as the separator, then I wonder how the assert_equal statement could ever evaluate to true as the first parameter is a static string without "; "

Can you shed some light for me?

If there is only supposed to be one error on title (ie the errors[:title] contains a single string) then join will just return that string. Hard to say without knowing the wider context, but this seems a fairly succinct way of saying that there should only be one error for the title attribute and that it should be the one that comes from the uniqueness validation.


24z wrote in post #961471:

In Agile Web Development with Rails, the following statement is given:

assert_equal "has already been taken", product.errors[:title].join('; ')

My question is: Why is the join(...) needed and what exactly does it do here?

If it does what I assume, join an array of strings and use "; " as the separator, then I wonder how the assert_equal statement could ever evaluate to true as the first parameter is a static string without "; "

That seems like a strangely written assertion. Obviously, the only way it could return true is if product.errors[:title] has only one element.

Can you shed some light for me?
