I just finished installing postgres on my linux server. Going to do the same on my windows environment and then begin some testing. As far as my current project goes, is there an easy method of changing mysql to postgres with rails? I have a mid-size project and would hate to have to recreate it from scratch..
Älphä Blüë wrote:
I just finished installing postgres on my linux server. Going to do the same on my windows environment and then begin some testing.
OK. Note that mySQL will also work for what you're talking about, but...
As far as my current project goes, is there an easy method of changing mysql to postgres with rails? I have a mid-size project and would hate to have to recreate it from scratch..
Use your migrations and/or schema.rb to create the new DB, dump the data, load the data.
Hi marnen,
Yeah I'm going to have to stick with mysql. I'm using Ruby 1.9.1 on linux prod, linux test, and windows develop and can't get either pg or postgres gem installed on any of the three.
I will still try out the foreign key migrations plugin though.
Thanks a bunch.