Problems after scaffold

Please some help!!! I made a scaffold the search, then i added a new method called printimages in the search controller and a view for the same but then i want to access throw the browser to this method searchs/printimages

and it throws me that cant find the id. Somebody knows what is the problem? the same happends when i do a link_to :action the name of the method in the controller.

Thank you!

Can you show the code for printimages and the link in the

view that points to it?

What version of rails are you using? If you are using 2.0 or later then the scaffold command created a RESTful controller for you. That controller is "prewired" to recognize index, show, edit, update, new, create, and destroy. For actions with other names you'll have to modify routes.rb.

The modification to make in routes.rb will depend on what the printimages action needs to do. The controller (search) sounds like it is responsible for managing many different kinds of objects rather than one particular object so you probably want to add 'printimages' as a collection option (ie., it requires no id). That would look something like this in your routes.rb

map.resources :search, :collection=>{:printimages=>:put}

When you specify a collection action (or a :member action when you have one particular object in mind) you provide a hash whose keys are the names of the actions and whose values are the HTTP verbs that are permitted to access that action. If you specify anything other than :get or :post you will have to do a little extra work when specifying the url for a link.

Check out the ActionController::Resources api for more info.

HTH, AndyV

Felipe Vergara wrote:

I will try that thank you very much!

It worked thankyou very much!!!