Hello all. I'm new to RoR. I am having trouble trying to get a simple edit/update going. Everytime I hit submit, I get the following error:
If you did not use a generator to make your scaffolding, then you may not have your routes set up correctly. new might be calling edit so there is not parameter.
The one bit of information you've missed out there is the url your form has posted to. It should be something like:
The number at the end of the URL is the id of the "content" record you are trying to update. If it's missing something's wrong somewhere. If you view source of the html page before you post the form, where does the form say it's going to post to?
Yup, there's no id param there, and the format value is messed up for some reason. Even though your code looks fine to me at first glance.
What does your routes.rb file look like?
Thanks for your replies. I didn't use / or generate scaffolding for this project. Here is what my routes.rb looks like:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resource :content map.resource :weblink map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' end
After doing a view-source on my form before submission, here's what I found:
<form action="/content.%23%3Ccontent:0x373ac10%3E" class="edit_content" id="edit_content_2" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put" /><input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="2KH+rzW8Xy68gwDdjceXEqJH2aM69PdV44Hx0UVbooA=" />
Uggh! I can't believe it's that missing 's' that was causing me heartache. I also changed 'content' to 'contents' and it's working fine after the update. I guess I need to read more about this routes.rb file. I still don't have a 100% grasp on it. Thanks all for your help.
Also, you don't need to wait three days before asking for help. If a
couple of hours of Googling doesn't solve it, you're probably about
ready for new eyes on your problem
Thanks. Well, I work on my project a few hours a day after work so it's not exactly 3 straight days. But you're right, sometimes Googling just isn't enough. I'm glad to have found this group. I'm pretty sure I'll have a few more questions later. Any other books you can recommend for Ruby on Rails? I'm starting to love this new framework after just a few days of experimenting and would like to continue going deeper. I currently have Simply Rails 2 by Patrick Lenz and Learning Rails by St. Laurent & Dumbill.
The best book in my opinion is Agile Web Development with Rails (then The Rails Way when you get a bit more advanced).
"Agile Web Development with Rails" was my first introduction, and it still proves to be very useful. I was frustrated by "The Rails Way" (or at least the edition I had) as it was peppered with typos - and when you're trying to learn a programming language, errors in the example code are frustrating.
Another great medium-level book is "Ruby for Rails" (if you can ignore the cover!). It does skim the basics, but then gets on with the good stuff.
I can't recommend highly enough "Refactoring: Ruby Edition" - not strictly a Rails book, but very good for developing your programming skills generally, and Ruby specifically.