Problem with text_field_with_auto_complete Pt 2

Ok so I got the text field to populate a list of what I needed but I have a problem. When I select an item in Firefox, there's 4 spaces that appear before it in the text field. In safari, nothing appears in the field after selecting. I saw reference to this problem while searching online but couldnt quite find a solution. My code is almost exactly whats in the scriptaculous example at

here it is:

#controller   def auto_complete_for_software_title     auto_complete_responder_for_software params[:software][:title]   end

  private   def auto_complete_responder_for_software(value)     @soft = Software.find(:all,       :conditions => [ 'LOWER(title) LIKE ?',       value.downcase + '%' ],       :order => 'title ASC',       :limit => 40)     render :partial => 'software_list'

#view <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :software, :title, {}, :skip_style => true %>

#partial <ul> <% for soft in @soft do -%>   <li>     <%=h soft.title %>   </li> <% end -%> </ul>

I tried alot of different things but nothing seems to be fixing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm almost there :slight_smile:

Looks correct at first sight. Have you inspected the Ajax response with Firebug? Does it look right?

-- fxn

Xavier Noria wrote:

     :order => 'title ASC', <% for soft in @soft do -%> <li>    <%=h soft.title %> </li> <% end -%> </ul>

I tried alot of different things but nothing seems to be fixing it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm almost there :slight_smile:

Looks correct at first sight. Have you inspected the Ajax response with Firebug? Does it look right?

-- fxn

Yeah, the Ajax response is the list of elements when you type something in such as <ul>   <li>     Windows XP Home   </li>   <li>     Windows XP Pro   </li> </ul>

I just dont know why its not inputting the value properly into the text box. One thing i noticed is when I look at the html, the textbox looks like this

<input id="software_title" type="text" size="30" name="software[title]" autocomplete="off"/>

the autocomplete attribute is set to off, not sure if that has any significance to this though.

Ok I just figured it out if anyone else has this problem. Apparently you need to have the partial all on one line with no spaces between elements.

Old partial: <ul> <% for soft in @soft do -%>   <li>     <%=h soft.title %>   </li> <% end -%> </ul>

New partial: <ul><% for soft in @soft do -%><li><%=h soft.title %></li><% end -%></ul>

Now it works properly. :slight_smile:

I guess the problem then was the spaces between the opening <li> and the content. The spaces between LIs themselves and the ones between UL and LIs are ignored for certain.

-- fxn