In the demo at
the input firld generated by text_field_with_auto_complete has an
autocomplete attribute set to off, which stops the browser using it's
own auto complete function, but when I use it, that attribute is now
there and Firefox's version gets in the way.
I've tried adding :autocomplete => "off" as an option, but that didn't
work, what am I missing?
I would expect it to automatically add that attribute. However if
it's not working then check out the defintion of the
text_field_with_auto_complete method:
text_field_with_auto_complete(object, method, tag_options = {},
completion_options = {})
Note that the autocomplete="off" would belong in the tag_options,
which means you would have explicitly wrap it in curly braces to
separate it from the completion_options. Or, the opposite problem
would be that you are clobbering the autocomplete attribute that is
included by default which would be solved by putting a blank
tag_options in. What does your code look like?
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :vendor, :postcodes,
{ "autocomplete" => 'off' }, :skip_style => true %>
That is the field in question ...
I pasted that into one of my views and change the model/method name
and it worked. autocomplete="off" was the first attribute of the
input tag.
Are you on Rails 1.2.3 and do you have any plugins that much around
with the internals?
stuart@shearer:~$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i486-linux]
stuart@shearer:~$ rails -v
Rails 1.2.3
and vendor/plugins contins:
foreign_key_migrations/ redhillonrails_core/
simple_http_auth/ transactional_migrations/
Take the plugins out and see if it works. If not, start a new
application and just copy the view code in and see if it works.
The problem is being caused by Sxipper (, when
it is enabled, the autocomplete attribute of the field gets removed,
however with the plugin switched off, the autocomplete attribute
remains in place.
I'll raise a bug with the Sxipper team, as I don't see how this could
(or should?) be handled by the Ruby devs.
Thanks for your help this far Dasil003