problem with auto_complete!!


    first of all sorry for my English! :frowning:

   Well I'm trying to make an auto_complete in my application, but it's getting hard to do it. This is all what I've done:

1.I'm working with rails 2.1 and Postgres 2.My model name is: Alumno 3.My record name is: nombre in Alumno tables 4.I install the pluging with this command (

   script/plugin install auto_complete my view (example.rhtml) <html xmlns=";&gt; <head>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />     <title>Mi boleta en la WEB</title>     <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>     <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %>     <%= javascript_include_tag "scriptaculous/prototype" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag "scriptaculous/scriptaculous" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag 'scriptaculous' %>

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "example" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag :all, :cache => true %>

</head>     <body>

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :alumno, :nombre, { :size => 15 }, :skip_style => true -%>

   </body> </html>

6. my model (alumno.rb) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(         :adapter => 'postgresql',         :host => 'localhost',         :port => "5432",         :username=> 'XXXXX',         :password=> 'XXXXXX',         :database=> 'boletin'         );

class Alumno < ActiveRecord::Base

end controller(completar_controller.rb) class CompletarController < ApplicationController auto_complete_for :alumno, :nombre, :limit => 15   def index

       @alumno =        render :action => 'example'     end

  def auto_complete_for_alumno_nombre      search = params[:alumno][:nombre]      @nombres = Alumno.find(search) unless search.blank?      render :partial => "result"   end

end partial (_result.rhtml) <ul class="autocomplete_list">   <% for nombre in @nombres .to_a -%>     <li class="autocomplete_item"><%= nombre.nombre %>

<% end -%> CSS (complete.css)

.auto_complete {       position:absolute;       width:250px;       background-color:white;       border:1px solid #888;       margin:0px;       padding:0px; }

.auto_complete ul {       list-style-type: none;       margin:0px;       padding:0px; }

.auto_complete ul li.selected {       background-color: #bbf;


.auto_complete ul li {       list-style-type: none;       display:block;       margin:0;       padding:2px;       height:16px; }

That's all I have. The problem is that, it doesn't do anything, I can't see anything in my text_field_with_auto_complete, it doesn't show any error, can someone help me please I really want to get it right..thank you!! :slight_smile:

Is your Alumno controller setup as a RESTful resource? If so, then the auto complete call won't work because the auto_complete url isn't one of the default routes created with a RESTful resource. You could explicitly add the route but I would suggest checking out this episode of Railscasts:

It gives a straightforward approach to creating an auto complete field with a RESTful setup.

Greg DeVore

gdevore wrote:

Is your Alumno controller setup as a RESTful resource? If so, then the auto complete call won't work because the auto_complete url isn't one of the default routes created with a RESTful resource. You could explicitly add the route but I would suggest checking out this episode of Railscasts:

#102 Auto-Complete Association - RailsCasts

Alumnos is my table and belongs to a data base call Prueba, so my model is alumno.rb and my controller is completar_controller.rb, I will check the page that you recommend me, and try to do some changes, if it work I will tell you. Thanks

Download Firebug, it'll give you a much better idea of what's going on

Juan Moreno wrote:


    first of all sorry for my English! :frowning:

   Well I'm trying to make an auto_complete in my application, but it's getting hard to do it. This is all what I've done:

1.I'm working with rails 2.1 and Postgres 2.My model name is: Alumno 3.My record name is: nombre in Alumno tables 4.I install the pluging with this command (

   script/plugin install auto_complete my view (example.rhtml) <html xmlns=";&gt; <head>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />     <title>Mi boleta en la WEB</title>     <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>     <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype' %>     <%= javascript_include_tag "scriptaculous/prototype" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag "scriptaculous/scriptaculous" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag 'scriptaculous' %>

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "example" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag :all, :cache => true %>

</head>     <body>

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :alumno, :nombre, { :size => 15 }, :skip_style => true -%>

   </body> </html>

6. my model (alumno.rb) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(         :adapter => 'postgresql',         :host => 'localhost',         :port => "5432",         :username=> 'XXXXX',         :password=> 'XXXXXX',         :database=> 'boletin'         );

class Alumno < ActiveRecord::Base

end controller(completar_controller.rb) class CompletarController < ApplicationController auto_complete_for :alumno, :nombre, :limit => 15   def index

       @alumno =        render :action => 'example'     end

  def auto_complete_for_alumno_nombre      search = params[:alumno][:nombre]      @nombres = Alumno.find(search) unless search.blank?      render :partial => "result"   end

end partial (_result.rhtml) <ul class="autocomplete_list">   <% for nombre in @nombres .to_a -%>     <li class="autocomplete_item"><%= nombre.nombre %>

<% end -%> CSS (complete.css)

.auto_complete {       position:absolute;       width:250px;       background-color:white;       border:1px solid #888;       margin:0px;       padding:0px; }

.auto_complete ul {       list-style-type: none;       margin:0px;       padding:0px; }

.auto_complete ul li.selected {       background-color: #bbf;


.auto_complete ul li {       list-style-type: none;       display:block;       margin:0;       padding:2px;       height:16px; }

That's all I have. The problem is that, it doesn't do anything, I can't see anything in my text_field_with_auto_complete, it doesn't show any error, can someone help me please I really want to get it right..thank you!! :slight_smile:

Hi Juan.

As I'm fairly new to RoR I may not be the right one to solve your problem. But since you ask so direct here is what I did:

I got inspired by (more or less copied) this example:

Especially this part about the "auto_complete" method: def auto_complete_for_person_name   @people = Person.find(:all,     :conditions => ["name LIKE ? AND org = ?", "#{params[:person] [:name]}%", params[:person][:org]],     :order => "name ASC")   unless @people.blank?     render :inline => "<%= content_tag(:ul,{|person|         content_tag(:li, h(person)) }) %>"   else     render :inline => ""   end end

Remember I'm using Rails ver 1.2.6 - so it may not work for your version.

Good Luck!


Couple of things a) Your stylesheet is called complete.css but your stylesheet_link_tag says "example" ? b) Check your logs as you type to see if rails fires off queries depending on your input.. The autocomplete method is doing a "find" which should be firing off SQLs in ur log file. You would atleast know if that part of it is working.

hello guys!!!

it's me again, I still have problem with my auto_complete, but finally I got an error, these is what firebug says

<html xmlns=";&gt; <head>

  <title>Action Controller: Exception caught</title>


    body { background-color: #fff; color: #333; }     body, p, ol, ul, td {

      font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

      font-size: 13px;

      line-height: 18px;


    pre {

      background-color: #eee;

      padding: 10px;

      font-size: 11px;


    a { color: #000; }

Finally works!!!!!!! these is all I did 1.controller auto_complete_for :alumno, :nombre        protect_from_forgery :only => [:create, :delete, :update] my view <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :alumno, :nombre, {}, {:method => :get} %> my route map.resources :alumnos, :collection => {:auto_complete_for_alumno_nombre => :get }

and that's it. Thanks to all.....