problem with Associations idea

Hi, i have two models:

User<...    has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy    ...

Photo<...    belongs_to :user    ...

and I need Attribute model such as each photo has many attributes. And here I'm not sure whether Attribute should be has_many: photos or belongs_to :photo. Moreover i need to use on photos and attributes FCA algorism to build lattice and perhaps write it to db.    So do I need next model (eg. Lattice), maybe I should use has_many :through ? I use rails three weeks so I please for help as simple example ( doesn't have to be pro :slight_smile: ) how to associate these models.    Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi, i have two models:

User<...   has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy   ...

Photo<...   belongs_to :user   ...

and I need Attribute model such as each photo has many attributes. And here I'm not sure whether Attribute should be has_many: photos or belongs_to :photo.

Can you give some examples of what your attributes are? You probably want to avoid calling the association attributes - that will collide with an internal activerecord method.


W dniu 2011-03-19 20:32, Frederick Cheung pisze:

Hi, i have two models:

User<...    has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy    ...

Photo<...    belongs_to :user    ...

and I need Attribute model such as each photo has many attributes. And here I'm not sure whether Attribute should be has_many: photos or belongs_to :photo.

Can you give some examples of what your attributes are? You probably want to avoid calling the association attributes - that will collide with an internal activerecord method.


App has to work in this way, user add photo and then add attributes to photo on example (Baltic Sea.jpg; sea, water, sand ). Then usning Formal concept analysis (not relevant) special paris are created {(photo,...,photo n),(attribute,...,attribute n)} and it should be remember in some way (i suppose best will be another table), because it will be modefied when photo table or attribute table will change. I can't find out the best way how associations between models should look like and how many models i need.


You are going to want to do a has_many in the Photo model to PhotoAttribute model. This will allow you to have the PhotoAttribute model be a list of all the attributes that a photo can have. From what you explained this sound like what you wanted to do with that table anyway. Your final models would look like this:

class User < ActiverRecord::Base

has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy end

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :user has_many :photo_attributes end

class PhotoAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base

Sorry, I hit “Send” before I finished typing and proofing. Below is the corrected and finished model layout. You don’t want to use Attribute as the name of a model or table.

class User < ActiverRecord::Base

has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy


class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :user has_many :photo_attributes end

class PhotoAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :photo belongs_to :photo_descriptor end

class PhotoDescriptor < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :photo_attributes end

Your PhotoDescriptor model would be the list of descriptions/attributes found in the photo (sea,green,sand,etc.).
