Association problem

Hi, I'm new to ruby on rails. So i think i have association problems.

Given the three model classes with their associations:

# user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :product_groups   has_many :products, :through=>:product_groups end

# product_group.rb class ProductGroup < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :products   belongs_to :user end

# product.rb class Product < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :product_group   has_one :user end

So when i trying add new product. I get errors. # products_controller.rb   def new     @product =   end The error I'm receiving is:

   NoMethodError (undefined method `products' for #<Class:0x2ca50b0>):      app/controllers/products_controller.rb:27:in `new'      -e:2:in `load'      -e:2

I'm confused, can anybody help me?

A collection of product_groups doesn't have a products method (individual product group do). Users have a products association, so why not do ? (Although I'm not sure if you can do a has_many through where the join model has a has_many)


This is a example. I solve it. Thank you.