Rails newbie - can anyone please help with many to many NoMethodError

Please can someone help with the following problem -

I'm using LoginEngine and have a Users table linked many to many to a Plants table. The joining table is plants_users with plant_id and user_id (there are extra fields, so I'm avoiding has_and_belongs_to_many - plus it didn't work :().

::user.rb starts:- class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :Plants, :through => :plants_users ...

::plant.rb is:- class Plant < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :Users, :through => :plants_users end

::plant_user.rb is: class PlantUser < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :plant end

::plant_controller.rb is class PlantController < ApplicationController before_filter :login_required scaffold :plant

def list   @plants = @session['user'].plants end end

So far so good (I think), but when I access this (using instantrails), I get NoMethodError in PlantController#list undefined method `plants' for #<User:0x3969fa0> So - apparently User has no plants method - but why not - surely thats whats rails does?! I've tried reading loads of tutorials, changing this code umpteen times, using has_and_belongs_to_many and can't seem to get anywhere.

Please help     Cheers         Andy Stratton

Thanks Gernot - I'm now 'unstuck' for the moment. Though - I only arranged to get the has_and_belongs_to_many version to work - but that's better than before.

Cheers   Andy Stratton

Thanks josh - I have has_many :through working now.

If anyone is interested, I can post abridged code - though josh's blog covers it nicely anyway.

Cheers   Andy Stratton