Problem during the friendship model.....

Hi all,

In my project I have to build a friendship model. So I followed as in the RailsSpace Book. I have used Salted_hash_login generator as a login authentication. Now after I build the friendship model, I have got a problem . It occurs following type of error .......Plz let me know why this is happening.......

ActionView::ActionViewError in FriendshipController#create

Due to changes in ActionMailer, you need to provide the mailer_name along with the template name.

  render "user_mailer/signup"   render :file => "user_mailer/signup"

If you are rendering a subtemplate, you must now use controller-like partial syntax:

  render :partial => 'signup' # no mailer_name necessary


Even thought this error comes the tuple get inserted into the friendship table and friendship get created in my localhost..