the last line is not accepted when running rails 2.0 => ERROR ActionView::ActionViewError (Due to changes in ActionMailer, you need to provide the mailer_name along with the template name. render "user_mailer/signup" render :file => "user_mailer/signup" If you are rendering a subtemplate, you must now use controller-like partial syntax: render :partial => 'signup' # no mailer_name necessary)
I get the same error but I am not using redmine.
This is the function: def signup_notification(user) recipients from "From <>" subject 'Please activate your new account' body :url => "activation_url", :user => user end
If I add: render "user_notifier/signup_notification" it returns: can't convert Symbol into String
If I add render :file => "user_notifier/signup_notification" it returns: Couldn't find template file for user_notifier/signup_notification in "/ path/app/views/user_notifier"