If you are still having difficulty, what code in your view file are you using to show the select box?
If you are still having difficulty, what code in your view file are you using to show the select box?
Thanks Colin,How ever am not able to find the exact location for this code.. Can you plz guide me to find out the simplest way for this selection code in my machine like any naming conventions follow for the view rhtml file in my application. And one more thing Actuvally my issue is to select one dropdown that place previously it had None option now i should select the same with the "Select one"
Plz tell wat are the exact file to change for this issue in my application.
Thanks, Prashanth
Colin Law wrote:
Thanks Colin,How ever am not able to find the exact location for this code.. Can you plz guide me to find out the simplest way for this selection code in my machine like any naming conventions follow for the view rhtml file in my application. And one more thing Actuvally my issue is to select one dropdown that place previously it had None option now i should select the same with the "Select one"
Plz tell wat are the exact file to change for this issue in my application.
Are you saying that you do not know which file in your application is showing the select box? If you do not know then how am I to know? It may be useful for you to go through some tutorials on how RoR works. The Rails guides are very good. Colin
#### i changed the option instead of None..Select One...
How ever these updates are not reflecting my machine.. is any more changes to do ...?
Your app is localized: you need to update the yml file with the
translations (for the key content_page.quiz_response.none )
Thanks Fread,
After done my changes in the particular file..i hit a rake task for label updation in my machine...
C:\rails\sme_on_rails>rake labels:scrape (in C:/rails/sme_on_rails) Scraping...
Then i check but not updated still in my screen its showing None option...suppose to show Select one.
Regards, Prashanth...
Frederick Cheung wrote: